Energy Strategy


The efficient use and management of energy, which is the main element of production, is an issue that is gaining more importance day by day. It is the basic element of our energy management strategy to carry out studies that ensure the most efficient use of energy without compromising production and product quality and without sacrificing in terms of occupational health and safety. This basic element also covers the measures and practices that should be taken without adversely affecting quality and production performance. 

While we attach great importance to energy efficiency, especially in our fields where energy is used intensively, we take the following measures for energy management; 

- Increasing energy performance

- Avoiding unnecessary energy consumption

- Improving and reducing energy costs, preventing the rapid depletion of energy resources and ensuring that the data obtained as a result of the analysis are used in energy planning in the long term. 

Energy efficiency; it can do the same amount of work using less energy without reducing the standard of living, product quality and quantity, and it is of great importance in sustainable development. Ekmekçioğulları attaches great importance to energy management, which is one of the main topics of the concept of sustainability. In order to ensure energy efficiency, it works to instill energy efficiency in its employees with a management approach built with the philosophy of efficiency. With the developed R&D studies, average significant savings in terms of electricity consumption have been achieved.

For a sustainable economy and a livable nature, we attach importance to innovation in every sense with the understanding of nature-friendly production in all our production works. 

We are committed to continuous improvement of Ekmekçioğulları production facility and energy management system, to make energy efficient designs in production and operation processes, to improve energy performance, and to comply with all legal and other requirements related to energy.