Iron Sulphate Monohydrate

Iron Sulphate Monohydrate

Product description

Iron(II) sulfate or ferrous sulfate refers to a series of salts with the formula FeSO4·xH2O. Ferrous sulfate is presented in a light grayish or light brownish color.

It is obtained as a result of drying the Iron Sulphate solution obtained as a result of the dissolving process of iron oxides in the Leach Process in our factory in Çorum, in the Spray Dreyer unit. Completely soluble in water, min. It has 31% Fe content. It has an annual production capacity of 5 thousand tons.

Usage areas

  • It is added in cement production in order to provide both a cost advantage and a good strength to the cement. In this way, high strength is provided with low cost.
  • In case of iron deficiency in plants, it causes a decrease in chlorophyll synthesis. Some soils are particularly high in pH. High pH is generally found in calcareous soils. By lowering the pH of calcareous soils, it is ensured that the iron element is taken up by the plant. Iron deficiency in plants is eliminated by adding Ferric Sulphate and Sulfur.
  • Iron element is a very important mineral for plants. Chlorophyll synthesis occurs in enzymes in plant cells. Color pigments are formed in plants thanks to the synthesis of chlorophyll. However, chlorophyll synthesis does not work very well in some plants. This may be due to iron deficiency. Therefore, pesticides containing this chemical are produced to eliminate iron deficiency in plants. As a result of iron deficiency in plants, cell division decreases and growth is inhibited.
  • Grasses are weak against frost in winter months. For this purpose, Ferric Sulphate is used to ensure that the grass has a greener appearance and is hard and alive against freezing cold. The only difference from ferrous sulfate used for inhibiting weeds in agriculture is lower dosage.
  • It is used to inhibit algae. In this way, the spread of algae is prevented.
  • Organic acids in fruits and vegetables cause discoloration. Ferrous sulfate-based fertilizers are used to prevent discoloration.
  • Leguminous plants undergo oxidation in alkaline state and darken. By using fertilizers containing this chemical on legumes, its reducing property is utilized. In this way, color protection is provided in legumes.
  • It is used in the production of some chemicals in the chemical industry. These are; Chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid.
  • Ferrous Sulphate Anhydrate is used in products produced to be used as an iron additive in non-medicine nutritional supplements.
  • If there is a high amount of Chromium in the cement, FeSO4.7H2O is used to reduce this chromium.. From Sodium Metabisulfite It has higher reducing ability.
  • It is used as a feed additive with the identification number 3b103 according to the European Union 2017/2330 Commission Implementation Regulation.


Appearance Gray-Green Powder, Odorless
Chemical Name Iron Sulphate Monohydrate
Chemical Formula FeSO4.H2O
Packaging shape 25 kg bag, 1,000 kg bigbag and 1250 kg bigbag


Product Analysis - Feed and Technical Quality


Iron (Fe) 31 (±0,4)* %
Lead (Pb) 50 ppm max
Cadmium (Cd) 10 ppm max
Arcenic (As) 5 ppm max
Mercury (Hg) 1 ppm max
Appearance Sarı Toz (Yellow Powder)